The Harbor Children's Alliance & Victim Center

OFFICE NUMBER: 361-552-1982

24/7 Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence CRISIS HOTLINE:


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Domestic abuse hotline in Port Lavaca, TX

Family Violence Services in Port Lavaca, Texas

Free and Confidential

Legal Services

Services include assistance with applying for an Emergency or Permanent Protective Order; Crime Victims Compensation, which can help with crime related costs such as relocation and housing, day care, medical expenses, crime related travel, and other expenses if eligible; assistance with divorce and child custody matters; accompaniment to court; and immigration issues – assistance with the process of obtaining legal status.

On Site Therapy

Counseling services are offered to adults and children that have been directly or indirectly affected by abuse.  We provide trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children and non-offending guardians. These sessions help children and their families develop strategies for dealing with destructive effects of early trauma.

We work with survivors who have a range of victimization from childhood to current day. Our goal is to equip them with the coping skills and interventions needed to heal throughout their journey.

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Crisis Hotline

The Harbor operates a 24 hour Crisis Hotline  for victims of stranger and non-stranger sexual assault, child abuse/neglect, domestic violence or those in a crisis. Trained staff and advocates provides crisis intervention, safety planning, referrals, and access to agency services, as appropriate. Callers are also provided community resources to meet their need.

Case Management

The Case Management Program is offered to families of Child Abuse, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. This program is designed to assure survivors and their families are seeking services in order to provide the maximum healing by goal planning, connecting with resources within the agency or other community organizations. Our caseworker assist survivors with various barriers they may encounter as well as updates on their case as it proceeds through the criminal justice system.

Family Advocacy

The Family Advocate Team is committed to guiding and educating

families through each step of the investigation, prosecution and healing process. As each case goes through the investigation, prosecution and healing process, the team is there to help the family understand the process, learn about their rights, and successfully access resources that will help their family during crisis.

Clients receive information and referrals. Our dedicated advocates will accompany victims and their families for medical exams, court preceding and provide support when talking with law enforcement.

Safety Planning

Assistance helping you to be safer in abusive situations when preparing to leave an abusive relationship, such as, safety planning with your children; in your home, work, and in public; safety with a protective order; and your emotional health.

What is Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner, it can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. It can happen to couples who are married, living together or who are dating, it affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.

 It is important to take care of yourself and get the support that you need. For more information on the services we provide, contact The Harbor at  361-552-1982  .

For more Information on keeping you and your family safe click here: Personalized Safety Plan

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